UP Class 10 board topper Prachi Nigam was viciously attacked for “not shaving” or “visiting a salon” before appearing on camera, and even morphed her picture to match the mainstream beauty standards.

Uttar Pradesh Class 10 board topper, Prachi Nigam, who has subjected to incessant cyber bullying by online trolls over her appearance, specifically her facial hair, recent found ‘support’ from a shaving company, who launched a full-page advertisement, seemingly in support of the Sitapur teen.
Social media outrage
However, the ‘Never Get Bullied’ ad from Bombae by the Bombay Shaving Company, backfired, triggering massive outrage from netizens, who accused the company of trying to cash-in on the recently-earned fame of Prachi Nigam, and worse, the controversy sparked by trolls who attacked the young girl over her facial hair.
“Dear Prachi, They are trolling your hair today, they’ll applaud your A.I.R tomorrow. We hope you never get bullied into using our razor,” a picture of the ad shared by Bombay Shaving Company CEO Shantanu Deshpande on LinkedIn, read.
The ad quickly went viral on social media platforms with users noting that the campaign by the shaving company was in bad taste, especially the last part which rubbed many the wrong way, saying the company “hopes” Prachi “never gets bullied into using our razor”.
“A poor girl is going through such a tough situation in her life, but Bombay Shaving Company will not leave her alone, trying to take mileage by selling their Razors, founder Shantanu posting this Ad on LinkedIn and praising their marketing team for coming out with a once in a lifetime Ad,” said a user on X.
“Not just Bombay Shaving Company but so many other brands thrive on the insecurity of women. Kudos to Prachi for not giving a F to societal expectations of how she must look. If this child can beat peer pressure at such young age, she is made for stars,” said another user.
“Bombay Shaving Company does a full page ad for Prachi, The UP board topper, who was being trolled for facial hair. Haven’t seen something this desperate,” another user wrote.
‘Only meant to support her’
Meanwhile, CEO Shantanu Deshpande claimed that the company’s only motive behind the ad was to lend support to the Uttar Pradesh teen who faced cruel comments over her appearance despite showcasing her academic brilliance.
“It was shocking to see the amount of hate targeted at a teenage girl who had TOPPED AN EXAM because of her facial hair. Our simple message to this amazing young woman with such a bright future. Love to see my team ooze class. No opportunistic sale, QR code, nothing. Just a heartfelt message to a fellow Bae,” Deshpande said.
Prachi Nigam trolled
Prachi Nigam, at teenage girl from Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, topped the Class 10 board exams in the state, securing an extraordinary score of 98.5 percent in the results which were declared on Saturday last.
However, her astounding academic achievement was overshadowed by the mountain of bullying she faced from online trolls on social media, who attacked the Sitapur teen for her appearance, especially having facial hair.
As soon as the picture of Prachi emerged on social media following her remarkable achievement, trolls pounced on her, overlooking her academic laurels, and started passing cruel, misogynistic and utterly vile comments over her appearance.
Prachi was viciously attacked for “not shaving” or “visiting a salon” before appearing on camera, and even morphed her picture to match the mainstream beauty standards.