Sony SRS-XB13 Extra Bass portable wireless speaker has been launched in India, priced at Rs. 3,990. The compact Bluetooth-powered speaker is designed to withstand the elements thanks to IP67 dust and water resistance. It is on sale now across both online and offline retailers including Amazon, Flipkart, Sony Center stores, and other major retailers across India. The SRS-XB13 is the latest in the Extra Bass range from Sony that also includes headphones and earphones, in addition to wireless Bluetooth speakers across price ranges.
Sony SRS-XB13 Extra Bass price in India
At Rs. 3,990, Sony SRS-XB13 is priced to compete against competition in the budget segment for wireless speakers. However, it’s a considerably smaller speaker than most options in this price range, with a single top-firing speaker. Options from competing brands in this price segment tend to have two-speaker setups, but Sony hopes to win over customers with its brand identity and some of the features on offer on the SRS-XB13.
Another key advantage for Sony is both online and offline availability, with the SRS-XB13 available on major e-commerce retailers as well as offline retailers. Apart from Sony’s own online and offline exclusive stores, major multi-brand retailers will also be stocking the Sony SRS-XB13 wireless speaker.
Sony SRS-XB13 Extra Bass specifications, features
The key feature of Sony SRS-XB13 is IP67 dust and water resistance, making it highly resistant to exposure to the elements and suitable for outdoor use. Not only can it withstand significant dust and dirt exposure, but you can also wash it or submerge it in water for short periods of time, while rain and water splashes pose no real threat to the device at all. The speaker weighs about 253g and has a single 46mm speaker driver. There is also a passive radiator that helps produce the bass-friendly sonic signature that the Extra Bass lineup from Sony is known for.
Sony SRS-XB13 uses Bluetooth 4.2 for connectivity, with support for the SBC and AAC Bluetooth codecs and a rated frequency response range of 20-20,000Hz. Charging is through a USB Type-C port, and the speaker has a claimed battery life of up to 16 hours per charge. There is also Google Fast Pair support, and an inbuilt microphone that lets you use the speaker as a hands-free unit for calls. The speaker is available in six colour options — Black, Light Blue, Pink, Powder Blue, Taupe, and Yellow — and has a USB cable included in the box for charging.
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