Russell Wilson-Sean Payton divorce has Broncos fans pointing fingers
Should Russell Wilson be forgot and never brought to mind? “Right or wrong, I sort of thought we should stick with him,” Andrew Porter told me Sunday as he and …
Should Russell Wilson be forgot and never brought to mind? “Right or wrong, I sort of thought we should stick with him,” Andrew Porter told me Sunday as he and …
DETROIT — Arrogant. Prickly. Defensive. Petty. Paranoid. But who knew Sean Payton was a quitter, too? “They were close. The problem is, they were right at that (borderline),” the Broncos …
Brock Huard, Seattle as Starbucks and the Space Needle, knows Russell Wilson better than most. And he’s seen this version before. “Russ was immensely humbled last year and is buying …