A THIRTY-second health check could help prevent cannonball-shaped tumours in your lungs, doctors say.
Dr Sam Ghali, an emergency department physician from Florida, said checking your testicles can help avoid the condition spreading from testicular cancer.
So-called “cannonball lung” is a condition where the cancer develops to cause a splattering of rapidly-multiplying tumours in the lungs.
In a video shared on social media, Dr Ghali showed a scan of a man who developed the masses across his lungs after going to hospital with a cough.
He said the deadly condition might have been avoided if the patient had got checked for testicular cancer sooner.
Dr Ghali said: “The reason I wanted to share this case with you guys is this young man finally got checked out when he developed a cough that just wouldn’t go away.
“But he didn’t get checked out for a testicular mass that he noticed and actually kept getting bigger.
“We see this far too commonly. The human trait of denial is very powerful. People just tell themselves it’s nothing, it’ll go away.
“And before you know it, time just keeps going by and you get used to the fact that you’ve been putting it off, and by the time you get checked out, it’s too late.”
Around 2,400 Brits are diagnosed with testicular cancer every year, according to Cancer Research UK.
It is more common in men aged 15 to 49 and symptoms include a painless swelling or lump in one of the testicles, or any change in shape or texture of the organs.
You can test for the disease in as little as 30 seconds by rolling your testicles between your thumb and forefinger to check for any noticeable changes
It should feel smooth and firm, but if you notice a pea-sized lump, visit a doctor.
Testicular cancer is one of the easiest to treat forms of cancer, especially if caught early.
However, if the disease is left to develop, it can cause cannonball metastases, which are far more dangerous.
Dr Ghali said the man came to hospital with a cough but scans revealed large, round lesions in his lungs, having ignored a growing lump in one of his testicles beforehand.
He was diagnosed with testicular cancer and cannonball metastases.
Dr Ghali said: “Guys, if you’re listening to this, if you notice something — a lump, a mass, anything that’s weird — please get it checked out.”
How can I check for testicular cancer in just 30 seconds?
Follow these simple steps for a thorough testicular self-exam:
- Examine one testicle at a time, repeating the process described here
- Use both hands to examine each testicle
- Hold the testicle between the fingers and thumbs of the hands.
- Roll the testicle between the thumbs and fingers with a gentle pressure that causes no pain or discomfort
- Examine both testicles regularly
Source: Penn State University