If you’re tired of eating cold food for lunch, don’t worry — big tech has your back again. There’s a “smart” version of everything out there, including your lunch box. During Prime Day deals you can get the Crockpot Electric Lunch Box for $32, down from its usual $45. This matches the lowest price it has ever been at, so if you’ve ever been interested, now is the time to buy. If you’re interested but not convinced, read on to see some cool features of this portable device.
Why you should buy the Crockpot electric lunchbox during Prime Day
This Crockpot lunch box is probably best described as a portable slow cooker. Unlike a thermos, it’s not designed to carry food that is already hot. This is the ideal use of the electric lunchbox: Put cold leftovers or slightly uncooked food in it in the morning. Carry it with you to the office. Plug it in and turn it on about an hour before. Enjoy your hot and ready food shortly. For all intents and purposes, it’s a small Crockpot with a handle on the top. The convenience comes from the ability to use it as both a carrying case and a warmer. No messy transfer of chili from thermos to bowl to microwave. No precarious Tubberware that’s liable to explode if you hit a pothole. From the time you put it in the Crockpot to the time you eat it, it’s safe, secure and mess-free.
The brand Crockpot has become synonymous with slow cookers. Crockpot took two spots on our list of the best slow cookers. Other companies have started butting into their turf though. This device is fairly simple, with just one setting: on and off — the benefit is in the portability. If you want something permanent for your kitchen, check out some of the Prime Day Instant Pot deals. If you need some ideas on what to cook in your new portable slow cooker, consider checking out articles on how to use a Crockpot.
This Crockpot Electric Lunchbox is down to $32 during Prime Day. That’s the lowest price it’s ever been at, and a $13 discount from its usual price. Stop eating cold leftovers at work and upgrade your lunch box into a smart device.
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