The Tamil Nadu HSE (+2) Exam 2024 was conducted from March 22 to April 13 and the evaluation process concluded on April 13.A total of 7.5 lakh students appeared for the Class 12 exams. Students need to secure a minimum of 35 marks in each theory subject out of a total of 100 marks to pass the exam. For subjects that include practicals, students must score a minimum of 70 marks in theory, 20 marks in practicals, and 10 marks in the internal assessment.
Out of the total 7,60,606 candidates who wrote the exam, 7,19,196 cleared the exam with an overall pass percentage of 94.56%, which is slightly higher compared to last year. The pass percentage of boys is 92.37% while girls pass percentage is 96.44%.
A total of 7532 higher secondary schools participated in the exam, out of which 2478 schools have achieved 100% results. Computer science registered the highest pass percentage with 99.8%, followed by chemistry with 99.14%.
TNDGE TN 12th Result: Stream-wise pass percentage
- Science pass percentage: 96.35
- Commerce pass percentage: 92.46
- Arts pass percentage: 85.67
How to check Tamil Nadu HSE +2 Result 2024?
Step 1: Go to the official websites of the Tamil Nadu Board, either or
Step 2: Locate and select the TN Result portal on the homepage.
Step 3: Next, click on the HSE(+2) Result link.
Step 4: You’ll be directed to a new page; input your registration number and date of birth.
Step 5: Your result will appear on the screen.
Step 6: Download and print the result for future reference.
Direct Link: TN HSE + 2 Result 2024
Tamil Nadu +2 Result 2024: Pass percentage over the years
TN Class 12 Result 2023
Last year, the Tamil Nadu Class 12th board exams were conducted between March 13 and April 3, 2023. The result showed an overall pass percentage of 94.03%. Girls outperformed boys, achieving a pass percentage of 96.38% compared to 91.45% for boys.
Out of the 8,03,385 students who appeared for the exam, 7,55,451 students successfully cleared the exam. There was a noticeable improvement in the number of girls passing the exam, with a jump of 4.93 percentage points. It’s important to note that one transgender candidate also successfully passed the exam in 2023.