Iranian Danish director Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice – with Marvel Cinematic Universe actor Sebastian Stan starring as the young property tycoon, before reality television fame and politics – was announced on Thursday as part of the main competition of the festival being held in the south of France from May 14-25.

The forthcoming film takes its title from the wildly popular NBC reality show, which catapulted the future US president into the mainstream zeitgeist during the mid-to-late 2000s.
In a recent interview, the in-demand actor – currently starring in Broadway’s Enemy of the People – described the role as his “most fascinating” to date.
“Roy Cohn, you can’t overstate his influence in our country, his legacy of the denial of reality and certain things that he imparted to Donald Trump,” he told The New York Times newspaper last month. “His playbook has a tentacular reach that is staggering – the most fascinating person I’ve ever tried to inhabit.”
Trump tests gag order limits by insulting potential witnesses in criminal trial
Trump tests gag order limits by insulting potential witnesses in criminal trial
“I should say a disclaimer: my job is to be a humanistic investigator of a subject and to withhold judgment,” Strong added. “So while I personally might have a lot of judgment about Roy Cohn, that is not the part of me that engages in the creative work.”
An exact US release date for The Apprentice has not been announced.