The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a notice regarding the opening of applications for online and open distance learning courses from the HEIs. Check registration date, list of universities included and other important details regarding the same..

New Delhi: A notice has been issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and has invited the eligible Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to apply for the UGC Recognition for Open Distance Learning (ODL) and Online Mode Courses for the academic session 2023-24 which will begin from February 2024. Apart from this, UGC has also issued a list of universities throughout India, which are fake. Read more to know what the official notice says, what’s the Opening Registration Date, the last date for application, registration process, HEIs included in this process and other important details..
UGC Invites Applications From HEIs For Online, ODL Courses
As mentioned earlier, the University Grants Commission has asked for applications from eligible Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) regarding recognition for courses under the Online and/or Open Distance Learning (ODL) courses. According to the official notice, “UGC invites fresh online applications from eligible Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) as per Regulation 3 (A) and Regulation 3 (B) (b) of UGC (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 and its amendments for recognition of programmes under Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode and/or Online mode for academic year 2023-24, academic session beginning February 2024 and onwards.”
Important Dates, Registration Process
The registration for the above mentioned applications will begin on Tuesday, October 10 and the last date for the same is October 31, 2023. Institutions interested in sending their applications can do so by two methods- online, by visiting the official website- and offline, by sending the form with the original affidavitand annexure to ‘The Deputy Secretary, Distance Education Bureau, UGC, 35, Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110001.’
(NOTE: The deadline for the HEIs for sending the applications by post is November 15, 2023.)
UGC Invites Applications From HEIs: Necessary Information
Eligible institutions, who have previously received UGC accreditation to offer online and/or ODL courses, can submit applications again, if they intend to add new courses. All eligible HEIs are advised to visit the website- to pay the registration fee and also take note of any and every announcement or update in this regard. Institutions must know that submitting their applications to the Commission does not mean that they have been given the accreditation; all applications will be scrutinised according to the standards and points mentioned in the UGC (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 and all its amendments.