Cars and music have basically been two congruent puzzle pieces since the former was invented. Whether it’s people enjoying listening to music in their cars or people making music about cars, it’s become clear over the decades that the two are inseparable. This is especially true in rap because not only are cars exciting status symbols, but they’re also aspirational and make for easy cultural touchstones that people get regardless of where they’re from or what their socioeconomic background is.
So, with that in mind, I want to know what your favorite car-heavy rap songs or videos are. Are they about big, beautiful lowriders or exotic cars? Or, are they about ‘90s luxury icons or SUVs? Maybe the car is secondary to the story but still a main character in the song. Maybe your favorite song is a tribute to a specific car culture in a certain city like ghost riding and sideshows in the Bay or donks in the Dirty South. I want to hear about them all.
To kick things off, as is my custom, I will give you an example of one of my favorite car rap videos – Schoolboy Q’s “John Muir.”
The video for this song is intense, but I love the way that the whole thing is shot from the perspective of the rear passenger quarter panel of a clapped ‘80s GM product. The car feels like a character in the story and, damn, what a story it is.
Now it’s your turn. Give me your best stuff.