All-wheel drive is constantly becoming more and more common. Once reserved for off-roaders and pickup trucks, you can now buy even the most basic hatchback with four drive wheels. This fact has been on my mind for a while now. Add on the fact that a few weeks ago, we asked you what you thought the best front-wheel-drive vehicle was (which you all seemed to enjoy), and it got me thinking. What do you folks think the best all-wheel drive vehicle of all time is?
There are thousands of AWD vehicles to choose from — everything from simple Subarus to Ram TRXs, Range Rovers and Ford RS200s. Basically, there’s a lot of really cool all-wheel drive stuff out there, and this is your chance to tell us which one you think is best.
Now, for the love of Christ don’t get nitpicky. We are going to use all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive interchangeably here. I understand they are different things, but for our purposes, I do not care. If the vehicle you submit has four drive wheels, that is good enough for me.
Anyway, if you ask me, the greatest all-wheel-drive vehicle of all time is the Ram TRX. You all already know my thoughts and feelings on this magnificent beast. It’s big, and loud, and dumb, and pretty useless, but I want one nonetheless. A close second is probably the Jeep Wrangler, for obvious reasons.
So, why don’t you kind folks drop down below and let us know what you think is the best all-wheel drive car of all time?