March’s full moon is happening soon, according to
Netizens can look up for a spectacular view later this month, when March’s full moon brightens up the sky view.
Prepare by setting your reminder for the coming date.
Here’s what to know about the upcoming moon date, and next dates for the rest of the year.
March: When to prepare for the next full moon
This month’s full moon is happening on 25 March, 2024.
It completes another lunar cycle, which lasts approximately 28 days each time. As planets move, we see the moon in a different way.
This is the worm moon, according to Time and Date, named for spring.
Set your reminders for this special full moon event in March.
It only happens once!
March: Why is it called a worm moon?
Some cultures, including the ancient isiXhosa, believed the moon has a unique power over worms. During March, worm moon, deworming is thought to work better.
The name worm moon stuck.
Worms are active during this month, which also contributes to the name.
Each moon gets a different name, which helps to identify its characteristics.
April and May full moon dates
The next full moon dates after March will be April and May.
First, the April moon takes place on 23 April, 2024. The next moon is happening on 23 May, 2024.
The lunar cycle matches up with the pink and flower moon: April and May this year.
Don’t forget the moon view!
April: a total solar eclipse
In April, viewers can see a total solar eclipse.
This event won’t be visible from Southern Africa, but will be mostly seen by North America and parts of Europe.
Solar eclipses are rare, and don’t happen often.
If you can’t see this event in person, online streams can show you a special view from space.