Xbox Series S consoles are reportedly getting a price hike in India — again. As per games analyst Rishi Alwani, Microsoft’s new-gen gaming console will now cost Rs. 39,990, with pre-orders for the same going into effect on January 10. That’s over a 5 percent increase, with the Series S previously listed at Rs. 37,990 back in August. This is the third price hike in the span of six months, and likely owes credit to the weakening power of the Indian Rupee (INR) against the US Dollar (USD). Gadgets 360 has reached out to Microsoft India for comment, and we will update this story when we hear an update. At launch in 2020, the Xbox Series S was listed at Rs. 34,990.
At the time of writing, both Amazon and Flipkart are selling the Xbox Series S consoles at a lower price, with the former selling it for Rs. 31,799 after a discount. The e2z store has it listed for even cheaper at Rs. 24,999 — so get it before the price gets updated. The new price tag of Rs. 39,990 definitely seems a little exorbitant, given you can get a Gilded Hunter Bundle of the Series S — contains cosmetics and virtual currency for Fortnite, Rocket League, and Fall Guys — at the same rate from the e2z store.
Back in November, Microsoft also raised the prices for its flagship Xbox Series X console, which is now priced at Rs. 55,990 — available at Amazon India and Flipkart. At the time, multiple Xbox wireless controllers were also subject to the cost increase — the Robot White and Carbon Black variants went up from Rs. 5,690 to Rs. 5,990. Meanwhile, the Electric Volt variant is currently priced at Rs. 6,590 — previously, Rs. 6,290.
Around that time, even Sony raised the prices for its PS5 console in India. The standalone PS5 Digital Edition now costs Rs. 44,990, whereas the 4K Blu-ray-equipped PS5 is priced at Rs. 54,900 — marking a 10 and 12.5 percent increase from its launch price of Rs. 39,900 and Rs. 49,900, respectively. That said, India wasn’t the only affected market in terms of price hikes, as the company made its gaming console more expensive in several other regions, back in August.
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