Xiaomi 12 series has been confirmed to launch in China on December 28. Ahead of its launch, a teaser with an image of two of the smartphones in the upcoming flagship series was shared by Xiaomi. The image shows the design of Xiaomi 12 and Xiaomi 12 Pro. Separately, Xiaomi 12 Pro has been spotted on Geekbench benchmarking website, hinting at its key specifications. It is said to be powered by the recently announced Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC.
Through a Weibo post, Xiaomi shared a teaser for its upcoming Xiaomi 12 series smartphones. The image shows only the front of the smartphones and one side of each. Xiaomi 12 is shown with a small display, with the power button and volume rocker on the right spine.
Xiaomi 12 Pro, on the other hand, has a bigger display and its left spine is empty. It is safe to assume that both smartphones will have identical frames and button placements. The selfie camera is housed in a centrally placed hole-punch cutout. The top and the bottom parts of the two smartphones are not visible.
On Geekbench, Xiaomi 12 Pro scored a respectable 1,224 points and 3,823 points in single- and multi-core tests, respectively. The Geekbench listing shows that the smartphone will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC — already confirmed as the powerhouse in Xiaomi 12 Pro. Furthermore, the Geekbench listing shows that the upcoming flagship smartphone will get 12GB of RAM. It is said to run Android 12 with MIUI 13 out-of-the-box.
Earlier this week, Xiaomi confirmed that it will be launching the Xiaomi 12 series on December 28 at a special launch event. The Xiaomi 12 series is said to comprise vanilla Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi 12 Pro, Xiaomi 12X, and Xiaomi 12 Ultra.